Book: Eating does give you happiness (in Spanish)
Diet and cellular nutrition to combat stress, depression and other disorders.
Through these pages the reader will find out the mechanisms of the functioning of the brain and its direct connection with our dietary guidelines and how by introducing certain changes in our habits and by supplementing our diet with the adequate nutrients we can strengthen and balance our mind and our emotions.
RRP: 18 €
Many studies augur that nervous depression is going to be the epidemic of the future and we all know that nowadays stress, anguish and anxiety, insomnia, fear, eating disorders, hyperactivity in children and learning disorders are already very common. The recognised specialist in orthomolecular nutrition Felipe Hernández Ramos warns that the boom of these disorders has coincided with the quality deterioration of our diet and highlights the unequivocal link between nutrition and emotional imbalance. For example: a lack of ascorbic acid can cause irritability; a lack of folic acid, insomnia; of calcium or zinc, serious nervous system alterations. This book explains the different disorders and suggests for each one of them a diet and nutritional supplements that can drastically reduce the need of medicines. Eating well gives us health and also emotional well-being and happiness.
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