Os recordamos que el día 19 de marzo es festivo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Recomendamos que hagáis previsión de vuestros pedidos puesto que ese día no se realizarán envíos. Gracias por vuestra comprensión.

About Us

Our Company

Euro Éxito Aloe S.L. was born from a family cooperative society, dedicated to the production and direct sale distribution of natural products made with Aloe Vera. We started using Aloe Vera due to family health issues such as asthma and arthritis. Witnessing the significant improvement we experienced thanks to Aloe, we delved deeper into the plant's benefits. From that moment, the need to launch a project in the production of Aloe Vera-based products became evident. In 1996, we introduced our first product, a multi-purpose cream with Aloe Vera, eventually expanding to over a hundred different references for internal and external use by 2021.

EXIALOE products are manufactured with the highest quality and raw materials, aiming for effectiveness and complete customer satisfaction. For this reason, we use Aloe Vera Barbadensis from Mexico, supplied by the prestigious producer ALOECORP, which undergoes strict quality controls.

We hold recognized international quality assurance certificates such as the IASC (International Aloe Science Council) and ACTIVAloe. Hence, the number of distributors is increasing, with over 28,000 VIP distributors/customers in Spain, Portugal, England, Italy, and other countries in the European Community.

Our Team


Exialoe enhances your quality of life!

Our team is committed to helping you improve your quality of life and that of those around you.
Offering health and work!

  • High-quality products
  • Best customer service
  • Attained all maximum quality seals

Board Comments

José Lorenzo López (Company President)

It is a privilege for me to preside over this company and see how the dreams of many of my colleagues are coming true. As success often hides, efforts must be made every day to achieve it, but it is worth it. A reality that is often not perceived is the potential that each of us has, with the next step being to develop it. EXIALOE offers us the opportunity to capitalize on what we have inside and demonstrate our potential by following the path of success.

Kathy Lorenzo Piñeiro (General Director)

I would like to encourage you to participate in this project where one of the main objectives is to help people. EXIALOE products are of very high quality, so those who try them will soon see good results and may want to become distributors to share them. The economic solvency you can achieve will depend on your effort and dedication, so if you strive, in a short time, you will achieve a good income by dedicating only a few hours a day to the business. We have great confidence in our products and know that they can help both in improving health and in the idea of building a business.


  • MISSION. The mission of Exialoe is to contribute through natural cosmetics and orthomolecular nutrition to the health, beauty, and well-being of all people. We make high-quality products accessible to all, aiming to meet the needs of families with a system that provides economic stability.

  • VISION. Reach every home with our products directly and quickly to improve their quality of life and contribute to more happy families.



EURO ÉXITO ALOE is a company dedicated to the Health and Beauty sector, founded in 1996.

The most valuable asset of our company is constituted by our distributors, therefore our mission is to obtain their full satisfaction at all times and achieve their loyalty, since the distributor must also be proud to be part of the company.

In achieving this objective:

The product must fully meet the expectations of both the distributor and the end customer or consumer.

The R&D&i Department of EURO ÉXITO ALOE continuously works to find the best raw materials, evaluating them under strict Quality standards.

The company establishes open communication with distributors and other stakeholders, allowing it to respond to identified needs.

The Quality Policy established at EURO ÉXITO ALOE involves working under an Integrated Quality Management System and Good Manufacturing Practices for cosmetic products, documented and verified to meet the guidelines of the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNE-EN ISO 22716:2007 standards, complying with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, as well as those assumed by the company that, in the development of its activity, are deemed appropriate to achieve the set objectives and meet the needs and expectations of stakeholders.

The main purpose of implementing the Integrated Management System is Continuous Improvement, and thus, of our company. Therefore, the Management leads this Policy and considers it necessary for Quality to be understood, applied, and updated at all levels of the company and by all its external collaborators and other stakeholders.

This Policy serves as a framework for observation for its improvement and to establish and review Quality objectives.

These are the quality seals we have earned through continuous efforts over time. To learn more about each one, you can click on its image.

Updated 17/04/2023

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