Os recordamos que el día 19 de marzo es festivo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Recomendamos que hagáis previsión de vuestros pedidos puesto que ese día no se realizarán envíos. Gracias por vuestra comprensión.
Terms and Conditions
- Legal notice
In compliance with Article 10 of the Law 34/2002, 11th of July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), all relevant company information can be found below.
C.I.F.: B-53620753
Address: Av. País Valenciá 41 -03580 Alfaz del Pí - Alicante
Telephone: +34 966 860 500 / +34 966 860 235
Fax: +34 965 888 728
E-Mail: aloe@euroexito.com
EURO ÉXITO ALOE, S.L. is the owner of the domain name and Internet website to which is accessed by the address www.exialoe.es
- Acceptance of the Terms of Use
The present conditions (hereafter denominated as “Legal Notice”) have the object of regulating the use of this Website which EURO ÉXITO ALOE, S.L (hereafter “THE COMPANY”) makes publicly available in the present URL address.
The use of this Website by a third party becomes a site user and implies full acceptance by such User of each and every one of the conditions that are incorporated in the current Legal Notice.
- Website Use Terms and Conditions
The User commits to use this Website according with the Law, the present Legal Notice, and rest of the notices, regulations for use and instructions brought to your knowledge, as well as moral and good habits generally considered acceptable to public order.
The User is committed to use the Contents in a diligent, correct and licit manner and in particular to abstain from a) using the Contents with purposes against the law, as moral and good habits generally considered acceptable to public order; b) reproducing or copying, distributing, to allow access to the public through whatever modality of public communication, to transform or modify the contents, unless prior authorization has been obtained from the titular of the corresponding rights or that is legally permitted; c) suppressing, evading or manipulating the “copyright” and other identifying data.
It is forbidden to make without prior authorisation any kind of publicity or commercial information directly or in covert form, the sending of mass mailings (“spamming”).
Likewise, it is forbidden to perform actions that may produce in the Website or through it by any other way any type of damage to the systems of THE COMPANY or to third parties.
Any link made with the content will require the prior acceptance of THE COMPANY and will allow, by means of an appropriate visualisation the identification of its origin. The use of this information in other websites will require of the prior authorisation of THE COMPANY.
- Exemption of Responsibility
THE COMPANY will be able to modify, without prior warning, the information contained in its website, as well as its configuration and presentation. THE COMPANY does not guarantee the inexistence of interruptions or errors in accessing the Webpage, its content neither this is being updated, although it will do its utmost to, if necessary, avoid, correct or update them.
THE COMPANY is not responsible of the direct or indirect damages, including damages to the computer systems and the entry of viruses on the network derived from the Internet navigation necessary to use this Website.
THE COMPANY commits by this means not to realize MISLEADING ADVERTISING. In this sense, therefore, will not be considered as misleading advertising formal or numeric errors that might be found throughout the content of the different sections of the corporative Web, produced as consequence of maintenance carried out and/or incomplete updating or defective of the information contained in these sections. As a result of the exposed in this section THE COMPANY commits to fix them as soon as it has knowledge of these errors.
THE COMPANY is not responsible of the breach of any applicable norm in which the user may incur during his access to this website and/or in the use of the content information in itself.
THE COMPANY will not be responsible of the injuries and the damages resulted or that may be produced, regardless of its nature that may be derived from the use of the information, on the matters contained in this website and of the integrated programmes. The links and hypertext that allow through the company’s website the access to the user to lending and services offered by third parties do not belong nor are under the company’s name control; the entity in question is not responsible neither of the information contained nor any of the effects that may be derived from such information.
Ultimately, the User is the only responsible of the use of the services, contents, links and hypertext included in THE COMPANY’s website.
- Intellectual and Industrial property rights
All the website contents, unless otherwise indicated, are exclusive property of THE COMPANY and, for declaratory purposes but not limitative, the graphic design, source code, logos, texts, graphics, illustrations, photographs and other elements that appear on the website are protected by the Law.
THE COMPANY does not provide any type of license or authorisation of personal use to the User about its rights of intellectual and industrial property or about any other right in relation with the website and the services offered in it.
For that, the User recognises that the reproduction, distribution, marketing, transformation and in general, any other form of exploiting, by any means of all or part of the contents of this website constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the company or the owner of them.
The User , solely and exclusively, can use the material that appear in this website for personal and private use, being forbidden to be used for commercial or to incur in illicit activities.
Pursuant to the Articles 8 and 32.1 second paragraph of the Intellectual Property Law, it is totally forbidden the reproduction, distribution and public communication including the making available modality of its totality or part of the contents of this website, with commercial purposes in any format and by any technical means without the previous authorisation of THE COMPANY. The User commits to respect the Intellectual and Industrial ownership rights of THE COMPANY.
THE COMPANY will ensure compliance with the above conditions for proper use of the content presented in its website, exercising all the civil and criminal proceedings in the case of infringement or infraction of these rights by the User.
- Data Privacy Policy
This privacy policy establishes the way in which personal data that the user provides to us via electronic mail, web forms, etc, is going to be processed.
Under the effects foreseen in the Article 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, related with the protection of individuals with regard to personal data processing, it is clearly and transparently informed of the data of the responsible of this website:
C.I.F.: B-53620753
Address: Av. País Valenciá 41 -03580 Alfaz del Pí - Alicante
Telephone: +34 966 860 500 / +34 966 860 235
Fax: +34 965 888 728
E-Mail: aloe@euroexito.com
The users who access to the corporative website and voluntarily provide personal information to navigate through the site or to use any service that requires the communication of data to THE COMPANY, are informed of the following personal data processing purposes that THE COMPANY may carry out:
- The provision of services of production and distribution through direct sale of natural products made of Aloe Vera.
- Carrying out the administrative and commercial management of the provided data.
- To bill the clients for the provision of services.
- When the user makes use of the habilitated services in order to contact with THE COMPANY (via web forms, telephone or electronic mail), THE COMPANY will process your personal data to answer queries and manage the reply of the communication made by the user.
- The sending of publicity with the prior consent of the interested person.
The sending of personal data is compulsory in order to contact and perform business transactions with THE COMPANY. Likewise, not providing personal data or not accepting the present privacy data policy implies the impossibility of finishing with application procedures through the present website.
The provided personal data will be kept while the interested party does not request its deletion or cancellation and always that are adequate, relevant and limited to the necessary for the purposes that are going to be processed. In this case, the given data will be kept while the commercial, contractual agreement exists or during the necessary period in order to fulfil with all legal obligations. An honest and transparent data processing is guaranteed.
We use the accounts in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to inform about our activities and interact with our followers. The access and use of THE COMPANY official pages, it is subjected to the fulfilment of the established conditions by the platform licensees of the mentioned social networks.
Consent for advertising purposes: You give your consent and expressly authorise EURO ÉXITO ALOE, S.L so it can process your personal data with the purpose of including it in advertising campaigns promoted by EURO ÉXITO ALOE, S.L and, ultimately, to give the consent of commercial communications through any media whether electronic (telephone, fax, electronic mail, SMS, MMS, etc.) or not electronic (ordinary mail,etc), without being the enumerated media as a closed list, provided its object to maintain the existing relationship between the client and/or user and THE COMPANY, as well as the performance of the tasks of information and other activities related with the services rendered.
You can revoke the consent for advertising purposes according with the procedure described in Exercise of Rights.
Web Form
In accordance with the provisions in the current legislation in Personal Data Protection, we inform you that your data will be added to the system of processing ownership of EURO ÉXITO ALOE, SL with the address in Av. País Valenciá 41, - C.P. 03580 Alfaz del Pí – Alicante with the purpose of attending your queries. In compliance with the current legislation, THE COMPANY informs you that your data will be kept during the time strictly necessary to fulfil the purpose of collection.
While you do not communicate to us the opposite, we will understand that your data has not been modified and that you commit yourself to notify us any variation and that we have your consent to use it for the mentioned purpose.
THE COMPANY informs you that will proceed to process your data in a fairly, lawfully, transparent, appropriate, pertinent, limited, exact and updated way. Is for that reason that THE COMPANY commits itself to adopt all the reasonable measures for their deletion or modification without delay when they are inaccurate.
According with the rights that the current legislation in data protection confers, you will be able to exercise your access, rectification, processing limitation, suppression, portability and opposition rights to the data processing, directing your query to the indicated postal address indicated further up or to the electronic mail: aloe@euroexito.com
You can refer to the competent control authority in order to file the complaint that you consider appropriate.
In accordance with the established in the current Personal Data Protection legislation, we inform you that the electronic mail provided will be added to a processing system under THE COMPANY’S responsibility with the purpose of processing your subscription application and being able to periodically send you or Newsletter.
You can exercise your access, rectification, cancellation and opposition rights through a letter sent to our address Av. País Valenciá 41, - C.P. 03580 Alfaz del Pí – Alicante
While you do not communicate to us the opposite we will understand that your data has not been modified and that you commit to notify to us any variation and according with the Article 21.1 of the Law 34/2002 of information and e-commerce Society, once your subscription application has been made, we have your consent for the data processing, according with the mentioned purposes.
Likewise, we inform you that you can revoke at any time the consent given unsubscribing from the Newsletter by sending an e-mail to the email address: aloe@euroexito.com
By accepting the data protection policy, you manifest that you have been informed about the Regulation terms (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, related with the individual protection in respect with personal data processing for the purposes described before, without damage of the exercise of the corresponding ARCO rights or the revocation of the given consent.
THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify its privacy policy according with its criteria or because of a change in legislation, in jurisprudence or business practice.
If THE COMPANY would introduce any modification, the new text will be published in this same website, where the User will have knowledge of the actual privacy policy.
In accordance with the established in the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, related with the protection of individuals regarding personal data processing, the user is informed of the fair processing of his personal data by THE COMPANY authorising it the data processing to which may have access as consequence of the navigation through the internet web pages, queries, application or contracting of any service or product, or any transaction or operation carried out for offer purposes or advertising communications and promotional actions and contracting of other products and services of and for the maintenance of their contractual relationship and commercial management with THE COMPANY particularly, the client/user authorises THE COMPANY to send offers or advertising and promotional communications via electronic way to the email address or through any other equivalent electronic communication.
The identifying data, as well as all the contact data which mandatory basis is expressly established and any other that may be required by THE COMPANY’S web are compulsory and the refusal to provide them will mean the impossibility to activate the access account. The rest of the data that may be asked for, is voluntary so not providing it will not prevent the establishment of the contractual relationship. Once the client’s signing up has been requested, the user will be able to access to the website private areas. The user expressly authorises after filling in the form to register as a client that THE COMPANY establishes contact with him to confirm the signing up.
Blog terms of use
The user will be able to manifest opinions and contribute with the purpose that other Users or visitors may have access to the comments and reply to them if necessary.
THE COMPANY reserves the right of withdrawing from its blog all that content that may not be in accordance with the terms of use.
The opinions expressed are exclusive responsibility of their authors so THE COMPANY is not responsible of them.
However, THE COMPANY will make sure that those opinions are not offensive and do not violate the current legislation.
The legal basis for the processing of the data collected through THE COMPANY’S website will be the following:
In the case of data collected through the contact habilitated channels in the website, including contact forms, the legal basis for the data processing is to get the interested person or the user’s consent for the data processing. For that, in each form a check-box will be included in which the consent will be required, informing of the existence of the legal notice and of the present privacy policy and giving access to both.
In the case that a contractual or pre-contractual relationship exists between THE COMPANY and the user, the legal basis for the processing of the data provided will be legitimated in this relationship, so just the necessary data will be gathered in order to keep the mentioned commercial and contractual relationships.
However, the Responsible of the data processing has a legitimate interest based on sending you commercial communications about the services, always counting with your consent.
THE COMPANY informs the user that data transfer to third parties will not be done unless the transfer is essential, with the previous consent of the user.
THE COMPANY informs the user that no international data transfer is ever done.
We inform you that the exercise of rights of access, rectification, deletion, processing limitation or opposition to the processing as well as the right to the data portability will be able to be exercised before the Responsible of the processing by any way of legal subject, accompanied by an official document that identifies you addressing it to: EURO ÉXITO ALOE, S.L. Av. País Valenciá 41, - C.P. 03580 Alfaz del Pí – Alicante or by sending a message to the email address aloe@euroexito.com according to the terms of the established applicable regulations, you will be able to file a claim before the control authority on www.agpd.es/
The application will have the name, surnames, DNI copy of the interested person and in the cases that is admitted of the person that represents him as well as a supportive document of the representation, petition in which the request is specified, address to get notifications, date and applicant’s signature and supportive documents of the petition made. If the request does not meet the specified requirements its correction will be required. Regarding access rights, it will only be denied when the request is made by a different person rather than the person involved. No compensation will be asked for the exercise of rights.
In case the consent has been given for a specific purpose, the right to retire such consent can be exercised at any time without that affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the previous consent to its withdrawn.
The user is informed of the right that has of claiming a file before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) and/or requesting its protection, in particular, when the user considers that has not obtained satisfaction from THE COMPANY in the exercise of his rights, through the electronic headquarters of the website (www.agpd.es) or with a writing addressed to the postal address (C/Jorge Juan, 6, 28001-Madrid).
The User declares having been informed about the conditions of Personal Data Protection in the established terms in the Article 13 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, related with the protection of individuals regarding personal data processing, giving consent for the processing of personal data regarding the purposes described before in the way and for the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy.
THE COMPANY reserves the right to modify its data protection policy according with its criteria or due to a legislative or jurisprudential change or of the business practice.
If THE COMPANY would include any modification, the new text will be published in this same website where the User will have knowledge of the actual data protection policy.
- Applicable law and jurisdiction
The established relationships between THE COMPANY and the User will be ruled by the provided in the current legislation and in the competent jurisdiction. However, for the cases in which the legislation foresees the possibility of both parties submitting to judicial right, THE COMPANY and the user, by specifically renouncing to any other right that may correspond to them, will submit any controversy and/or litigation to the attention of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Alicante.
Basic Information | Additional Information | |
Processing Responsible | EURO ÉXITO ALOE, S.L | EURO ÉXITO ALOE, S.L B-53620753 Av. País Valenciá 41, - C.P. 03580 Alfaz del Pí - Alicante) E-Mail: aloe@euroexito.com Web http://www.exialoe.es |
Main Purposes | Administrative, fiscal, accounting, business management. Handling of queries | The main purpose of the processing is Administrative, fiscal, accounting, business management. The commercial and advertising management will always count with the interested person consent except in the case of legal exceptions. Attending the queries of the users that contact with us through the enabled Contact forms in our corporative web page. Automated decisions will not exist, neither profiles nor logic applied. |
Legitimacy and conservation | Processing legal basis | The data processing legal basis is the consent of the interested person, the legitimate interest of the Processing Responsible, or the Performance of a contract. The data will be kept while the commercial or contractual relationship is maintained, or its purpose and suppression is not requested and, in any case in compliance with the legal limitation deadlines that result from application. |
Recipients of disposals | Data transfers are not expected neither international ones. | Data transfers are not expected. In the case of being made will have the purpose of fulfilling the objectives directly related of the legitimate function of the transferor and of the transferee with the previous consent of the interested person. |
Rights of the individuals concerned | Exercise of rights | The individuals concerned can exercise their access, rectification, suppression, portability and the limitation or opposition rights by writing attaching a DNI copy to: Avda. País Valenciá 41, - C.P. 03580 Alfaz del Pí – Alicante E-mail: aloe@euroexito.com In case your rights are not properly attended, you can refer to the relevant Control Authority in order to issue a complaint that is deemed appropriate. |
Origin of the data | Primarily from the individual concerned | The personal data processed in EURO ÉXITO ALOE, S.L come from the individual concerned or from third parties legitimated to transfer them. |
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