Active Aloe is the seal that indicates the Aloe Vera we use has been tested and guaranteed to be biologically active. It preserves the effectiveness of the live plant even after harvesting and processing.
This seal guarantees that our Aloe Vera contains more than 10% Pharmacologically Active Polysaccharides.
Polysaccharides have the following properties:
- Due to their antioxidant effect, they help against cancer and tumor growth.
- They neutralize the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation due to their regenerative effect.
- Protect against gastric ulcers by inhibiting the development of Helicobacter Pylori.
- Help normalize blood pressure and balance blood sugar levels.
- Act as anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents.
- Balance immune function and have bactericidal, fungicidal, and antiviral activity.
- Reduce cholesterol and blood fat levels.
- Increase calcium absorption.
The use of the certified Active Aloe logo confirms to the consumer that the product contains ACTIVE ALOE. Thus, consumers recognize the added value when purchasing these products.
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