Os recordamos que el día 19 de marzo es festivo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Recomendamos que hagáis previsión de vuestros pedidos puesto que ese día no se realizarán envíos. Gracias por vuestra comprensión.

BCS ÖKO-GARANTIE is an independent certification agency based in Nuremberg, Germany. It was founded in 1992 and is the first accredited certifier to implement the European Regulation for organic production.

Quality Guarantee: The certification from BCS ÖKO-GARANTIE ensures that organic products and services comply with the high requirements of the organic standards of the European Union regarding organic food and beverages. The established rules and the use of the logo aim to improve the organic farming sector of the European Union, land conservation, biodiversity, and high standards of animal protection.

This provides consumers with confidence that the organic products they purchase are authentic and of high quality.

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