Vitamin C
Vitamin C
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is a vitamin that the body needs to form blood vessels, cartilages, muscles, and collagen in the bones. It is also vital in the healing process of the body.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can protect cells against the effects of free radicals that means molecules generated when the body decomposes the foods or when it is exposed to the smoke of cigarettes and the radiation. Free radicals could influence in heart conditions, cancer, and other diseases. Vitamin C also helps the body to absorb and store iron.
As the body does not produce Vitamin C, you need to obtain it from the diet. This vitamin is present in citrus, berries, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cabbages, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, and spinach. Vitamin C is also sold as an oral supplement, normally in the form of capsules or chewable tablets.
Persons affected with gastrointestinal affections and some types of cancer can be prone to the deficiency of vitamin C. This vitamin is also used to increase the absorption of iron of the gastrointestinal tract. The serious deficiency of vitamin C can cause a disease that is characterised by anaemia, bleeding gums, bruises, and the improper healing of wounds (scurvy).
The daily recommended allowance of Vitamin C for adult men is 90 milligrams and for adult women is 75 milligrams.
The deficiency or lack of vitamin C produces a series of symptoms easy to identify such as:
- Paleness
- Tendency to bleeding
- Delayed healing
- Inflammation and bleeding of the gums
- Rough and dry skin
- Spontaneous bruising
- Nose bleeding
- Joint pain and inflammation
- Anaemia
- Weakened tooth enamel
- Scurvy, which symptoms are nervous breakdown, general pains, teeth detachment, loss of appetite, joint pains, petechiae and haemorrhages.
- Tendency to get flus and colds.
20 Foods rich in Vitamin C (per 100 grams)
After knowing the benefits of Vitamin C and the problems that the lack of it may cause, it is evident the need of incorporating it to the daily diet to enjoy its important contribution to our health.
The main foods rich in Vitamin C are:
- Blackberry: 200 mg
- Fresh parsley: 190 mg
- Raw red pepper: 162 mg
- Fresh aromatic herbs: 143 mg
- Lemon zest: 19 mg
- Raw green pepper: 120 mg
- Green, yellow, or red raw pepper: 120 mg
- Natural breakfast cereals enriched with vitamins and minerals: 100 mg
- Varied fruit compote: <99,3 mg
- Raw radish: 97,30 mg
- Breakfast cereals with fruits enriched with vitamins and minerals: 90 mg
- Breakfast cereals with chocolate enriched with vitamins and minerals: 81 mg
- Roasted red pepper: 81 mg
- Roasted green, yellow, or red pepper: 74,4 mg
- Fresh lichi: 71,5 mg
- Roasted green pepper: 69 mg
- Wild berries (raspberries, strawberries, currants, blackcurrants): 60,90 mg
- Fresh strawberries: 67 mg
- Mix of wild berries (raspberries, strawberries, currants): 67,9 mg
- Fresh papaya: 59,7 mg
In Exialoe we place great importance to the benefits of this vitamin so we have included it in our product catalogue so you can benefit of all its qualities apart from adding our essential ingredient to it: Aloe Vera, from which you already know that it has multiple benefits for our health.
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