Os recordamos que el día 19 de marzo es festivo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Recomendamos que hagáis previsión de vuestros pedidos puesto que ese día no se realizarán envíos. Gracias por vuestra comprensión.

How to attract clients: techniques that work (Part 2)

How to attract clients: techniques that work (Part 2)

Content: the fuel for all your marketing efforts

According to one statistic, buyers read three contents for every one sent by a seller. The buyer is used to searching for content and receiving it. There is also a lot of content on the Internet and other media. Your job is to stand out above others and let customers come to you to offer them the information they are looking for.

Think of content as the fuel for all your marketing campaigns, from email to social media. High-quality content can help you stand out from the information available on the Internet and earn the trust of your potential customers.

You already know that you can create content in a huge variety of formats... but where to put it once it is ready? Well, your website is one of the most important places to publish exquisite content and access to that information should also be free.

Your content is the first step in attracting visitors. Now is the time to think about converting them into potential customers. Your content should be free, but that doesn't mean you don't get anything in return: what do you think if you ask for contact details in return?

Using web forms to download your content offer is a good way to get information from your future customers (leads). Invite them to subscribe to the blog as well. A blog can be a great added value for your website, it will keep your readers interested and, if all goes well, they will come back for more information. And even more, quality written content also plays an important role in improving your organic search engine ranking...

How to choose the contents for a blog?

Know your target customers or readers


Readers should be the most important thing in choosing your content. They are your customers that you must take care of and attend to. It is not only to write to them, it is important to create a closeness with them, answer their doubts, comments, criticisms and suggestions. They will help you improve.


Check social media


The monitoring of social networks is fundamental since they are the platforms where information moves. Knowing what is trending, the topics of greatest interest and the formats in which the contents are presented, will allow you to be at the forefront.


A look at the competition


Knowing how the world of bloggers is already a market that grows more every day is essential to improve and succeed. It is important that you meet the bloggers who write the same topics as you not only to enrich your style, but also to know how to interact with them. Remember, there is a market for everyone and the bigger your network, the better your networking.


Research and innovate


While you know the subject you're writing about well, it's always important to offer your readers sparks of freshness that feed their curiosity. Taking as a reference topics of innovation, new discoveries or topics that surprise, will help you enrich your texts and envelop the reader in a different atmosphere. Try to find the added value to your texts.


Keyword research


While search engine algorithms are constantly changing, it's important that you do research on the keywords your texts will contain. Popular themes with a new angle could help your content shine in the sea of blogging. It is not that you focus on using the same keyword to fill in the content, it is to use it strategically so that on the one hand you convince the robots and on the other hand you fall in love with your reader.


Get started and start creating quality content so that your future customers are attracted to contact you.


Publicado en 2020-07-29 por Euro Exito Aloe S.L. Expand your business 0 5779

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