Os recordamos que el día 19 de marzo es festivo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Recomendamos que hagáis previsión de vuestros pedidos puesto que ese día no se realizarán envíos. Gracias por vuestra comprensión.



The docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid that belongs to the family of the fatty Omega 3.

It consists of 22 carbons and 6 double bonds. Its formulation is C22 H32 O2 and its structure is the following:

DHA is naturally found in the whole body but it is more abundant in the brain, eyes and heart. In the same way as calcium is essential for the formation of strong bones, DHA guarantees that the brain, eyes and heart cells and other parts of the nervous system develop and function correctly throughout all the stages of the life.

DHA is a nutritional complement widely studied and very positive for our organism which makes possible to have a number of healthy statements based on studies conducted by European institutions.

DHA for mental health

DHA approximately represents 30% of the fatty acids of the grey brain matter and 97% of the entire Omega 3 of the brain.

It should be explained that the complex process of the human brain development (from the last trimester of gestation), the fatty acids, as main components of the brain lipids have important functions and, in the specific case of the brain development it is precisely the DHA the one that plays the most fundamental role by being very specific in the structure and functionality of the nervous tissue. For that reason it is getting more important the supplementation with DHA for pregnant women.

Besides there exist numerous studies that suggest that the origin of certain mobility or cognitive problems in newly born children (as well as in their first years of their growth) is due to the lack of enough DHA during the foetal development. Problems that can increase in successive pregnancies as the placenta uses an specific mechanism to draw the DHA of the mother which means that if this does not get renewed neither the supplies of DHA are kept up to date in the following pregnancies the available for the new foetuses will be much lesser and their further problems will increase.

Studies have shown that DHA plays an important role in the different functions and stages of the life (depending on the regions, statements of the healthy benefits have been approved):

  • Baby’s cognitive development

    • Development and functioning of the nervous system (authorised statement of the European Union (EU): “The maternal intake of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) helps to the foetus normal development and of the infant fed with breast milk”)

    • Maintenance of the brain health of both children and adults during their whole life (authorised statement in the EU: “The DHA contributes to keep the normal functioning of the brain”)

  • Possible role of the DHA in some conduct disorders and in the state of mind that affect both children and adults.

DHA for the eye health

At an ocular level, DHA constitutes a 30-40% of the total fatty acids of the external segments of the retina, increasing the fluidity of the membrane, modifying the mobility of the proteins and the activity of the enzymes that are crucial in the transduction of the visual signs, so it is considered that DHA is essential for the good functioning of the eye cells (photoreceptors), being a key nutrient in the visual health. The retina is the ‘screen’ in which the images of what we see are reflected on. In its most central area the macula is found, which is one of the tissues that more DHA concentrates (more than a 50%) and it is the responsible that we can see the objects clearly. Hence the importance of the DHA as a key support for the eye health. In fact, different studies have proved the important support that DHA offers in different cases of alterations of the retina (e.g. macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, etc.)

On the other hand, a good lubrication of the eye is the key to keep a healthy surface of the eye. The most superficial layer of the tear film is formed by a thin fat layer secreted by small sebaceous glands found in the eyelids that prevent the evaporation of the water layer found just under and with that the occurrence of problems on the ocular surface (e.g. dry eye, corneal ulcers etc). Different studies have shown the importance of the DHA to keep an optimum quality of the lipid film that bathes the eye.

Likewise, different studies have proved that DHA promotes the regeneration of the corneal nervous. This fact is important when facing a total recovery of the corneal ulcers (‘white of the eye’).

Studies have shown that DHA contributes to:

  • The functioning and visual development of the baby (authorised statements of the EU: “The intake of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) helps to the visual development of the children up to 12 months of age” and “the maternal intake of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) contributes to the normal development of the eyes of the foetus and of the infant fed with breast milk”)

  • DHA contributes to the visual health of the adults (authorised statement in the EU: “DHA contributes to the maintenance of the sight in normal conditions”)

DHA for cardiac health

DHA is a key component of the heart due to, largely, its high concentrations in the heart tissues, it also helps to reduce cholesterol levels in blood and to regulate blood pressure levels. Therefore, it is an important supplement for cardiac health throughout the life.

Studies have shown that DHA contributes to:

  • The maintenance of normal triglyceride levels, the cardiac frequency and blood pressure (authorised statements in the UE: “DHA contributes to keep normal triglyceride levels in blood”, “EPA and DHA contribute to the normal functioning of the heart” and “DHA and EPA contribute to keep a normal blood pressure”)

We could continue speaking at length about the benefits of the DHA, as it has other important functions, but what we want in Exialoe it is giving you the opportunity of benefiting of a product that contains high concentrations of this fatty acid. That is why we have developed EXI-DHA, a product with guaranteed quality and of which we are sure it will be very beneficial in your day-to-day. Are you not going to try it?

Publicado en 2019-07-11 News 1 36704

1 Comentario

  • Toñi

    Toñi 2020-04-22 Reply

    De siempre me ha gustado los productos de áloe, tengo la suerte de poder hacer los pedidos por aquí. Con lo cual pienso que resulta más fácil y cómodo.

    Saludos Toñi Ramos

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