During the last decades a lot has been spoken and investigated about the effects and benefits when using resveratrol (Polygonum Cuspidatum) to improve health.

Scientifics have discovered that it is possible to extend the life of cells of some alive organisms by submitting them to a calorific restriction.

Sadly, a simple hypocaloric diet is not enough to observe those results in humans. Looking for alternatives of reproducing the effects of the caloric restriction to extend the life of humans, scientifics started to study a family of genes, the Sirtuins.

They found there the SIRTUIN1 also called the longevity gen, essential to regulate our health and the longevity of our cells.

It has been demonstrated that a very specific group of genes, commonly called the longevity genes, regulate the longevity of the cells.

The studies confirmed that Resveratrol in high concentration activates the SIRTUIN1 gen and extends the life of cells. Resveratrol that is used in laboratories comes from the root of the Polygonum Cuspidatum plant that comes from China.

The intake of Resveratrol protects cells, increasing their longevity and extending youth. The results are “immediately noticed as the attraction of free radicals that harm cells begins as soon as you start taking the product. And the benefits can be observed both internally and externally” according with the Doctor Pedro Tocabens.

Proven benefits

Resveratrol is a phenolic component known for its powerful antioxidant activity. It has the ability of reducing the production of prostaglandins, thromoboxanes and leukotrienes, components that intervene in the inflammatory reactions and in the formation of blood clots.

From the 90s, the effects of the resveratrol in health have been object of hundreds of studies. Such studies have demonstrated resveratrol specially:

  • Interferes in numerous mechanisms that are in the origin of cardiovascular diseases and in special:

    • Thanks to its antioxidant power, reduces the formation of bad cholesterol (LDL) that is the one that may lead to atherosclerosis problems,
    • It stops the proliferation of cells in blood vessels that hinders the circulation through arteries.
  • It appears to fight against cancer in multiple ways that go from the blocking of estrogens till the modulation of genes. Useful in treating numerous tumours that destroy tumour cells and reinforces some chemotherapy.
  • Its anti-inflammatory action is as effective as prednisone, a pharmacologic treatment, with the benefit that avoids the side effects that produces.
  • It protects the brain from free radical attacks favouring the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • In animals reinforces the muscular capacity during exercise and protects them from insulin-resistance caused by nutrition, as well as obesity.

Resveratrol, Heart and Cancer

In 1991, two American investigators discovered that resveratrol, present in red wines, helped to decrease fats and cholesterol in blood and also, the antiaggregant activity of platelets.

In the article from the magazine SCIENCE reveals that in experimental models of cancer, resveratrol was very effective to fight against the initiation, development and progression of cancerous tumours, without presenting any sign of toxicity. In a molecular level has been demonstrated that resveratrol acts, at least partially, blocking a molecular cellular enzyme cyclo-oxygenase, from which exist different forms with various and important biological functions. Among these functions, the cyclo-oxygenase is necessary to stimulate the growth of tumoral cells for which its inhibition by the resveratrol it is of great interest.

This is the last article of the series dedicated to provide information about some of the components of our great product MUNACTIVE-10. We hope that you have enjoyed them and above all, that they are helpful to recommend the product to more people.

Remember, if you wish to offer health, RECOMMEND EXIALOE!!

- Baur JA, Sinclair DA. Potencial terapéutico del Resveratrol: la evidencia in vivo. Nature Rev Drug Dic 2006 Jun; 5(6):493-506
- Sinclair et al. El Resveratrol mejora la salud y la supervivencia de ratones en una dieta alta en calorías. Nature Nov 2006, 337-342.
- The New York Times (June 4, 2008), by Nicholas Wade. New Hints Seen That Red Wine May Slow Aging
- Barger JL, Kayo T, Vann JM, Arias EB, Wang J, et al. (2008). A low dose of dietary resveratrol partially mimics caloric restriction and retards aging parameters in mice.
- Carcinogenesis. 2007 Sep; 28(9):1946-53. Epub 2007 Aug 3. Resveratrol suppresses prostate cancer progression in transgenic mice.
- J Biol Chem. 2005 Nov 11; 280(45):37377-82. Epub 2005 Sep 14. Resveratrol promotes clearance of Alzheimer's disease amyloid-beta peptides.
- Clin Chim Acta. 1995 Mar 31; 235(2):207-19. The red wine phenolics trans-resveratrol and quercetin block human platelet aggregation and eicosanoid synthesis: implications for protection against coronary heart disease.

Publicado en 2017-06-13 por Euro Exito Aloe S.L. News 2 17196

2 Comentarios

  • Marcos Escosa

    Marcos Escosa 2019-08-19 Reply

    Buenos días
    El resveratrol también es efectivo contra el cáncer cerebral. El glioblastoma es el cáncer cerebral más agresivo y resistente al tratamiento estándar.
    El resveratrol mejora la sensibilidad a los tratamientos actuales y será incorporado a los protocolos actuales.
    Si quiere saber más visite la web:
    Dr. Marcos Escosa
  • Fina Almagro

    Fina Almagro 2017-06-30 Reply

    Muy buena informscion. todos deberiamos conocer para elegir nuestra alimentacion

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