Os recordamos que el día 19 de marzo es festivo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Recomendamos que hagáis previsión de vuestros pedidos puesto que ese día no se realizarán envíos. Gracias por vuestra comprensión.



Reishi is a fungus (Ganoderma Lucidum) that has been studied for over 20 years as it has many virtues and properties regarding our health benefit. It has been used in the Eastern traditional medicine since more than 3000 years ago: China, Japan, Malaysia, etc.

Doctor Shi-Jean Lee, a famous doctor that lived during the Ming dynasty was already speaking about the effectiveness of the Reishi in his book “Ban Chao Gang Moo" (The Great Pharmacopoeia). According with his experience taking Reishi helped to get a “long and healthy life”. It is a fungus very difficult to eat naturally, as it has an unpleasant bitter taste, for that reason the industry combines it with other natural products for its easy ingestion and digestion.

Reishi has a great amount of unsaturated acids, natural alkaloids, abundant in polysaccharides and minerals as Germanium and Calcium. It is a food considered as adaptogen as it nourishes the body to help it to overcome situations of physical and mental wear. Its properties are being investigated to reinforce the immunologic system and its relation with the body anti-inflammatory processes.

It is a very rare fungus that is commercially cultivated in nurseries of Japan, Korea, China and United States.

The active ingredients include: polysaccharides, sugars, ganoderans, ganoderic acids, unsaturated fatty acids, steroids as ganodosterone, mineral salts and vitamin B, C and D.

It contains as other fungus of the family Basidiomycota, Maitake, Shiitake and Reishi,beta-glucan polysaccharide peptides that empower the immune system and have confirmed properties in scientific studies against cancer.

Indications/ Most common uses:

  • It combats infectious processes, viral principally, modifying the biologic answer by acting as immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory.
  • It has antitumour properties
  • It slows down the growth of the prostate being effective in benign prostatic hyperplasia of such organ.
  • It reduces high blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides and blood glucose.
  • It has a hepatoprotector effect in hepatitis, cirrhosis and intoxications.
  • It is an antihistamine so it fights against asthma and allergies.
  • Effective against respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and cough.
  • Others: Fights against fatigue, cardiovascular disorders, bad digestions, improves anxiety and insomnia.
  • Beneficial effects of the Reishi in our organism:

Effect on the Immune System:

  • When the immune system acts in excess, it develops allergies, inflammations, hepatitis, etc...
  • It isolates, slows down and reduces the excessive production and release of histamine, improving then bronchial asthma and chronic bronchitis of allergic type.
  • According with Dr. Andrew Weil from the University of Harvard, the compounds of lanostina found in the Reishi have a tonic effect in people that suffer from asthma and other kind of allergies.
  • It improves the functioning of the suprarenal glands, normalizing the release of their hormones.
  • It prevents from allergic predisposition.
  • In relation with immune diseases, balances the answer of the immune system.
  • It reduces some symptoms of the autoimmune diseases (for example: rheumatoid arthritis), as the pain, thanks to the endorphin (compound of the Reishi) and of the inflammation, thanks to the Ganoderic D acid and the lanostina (compounds of the Reishi).

Cardiovascular Effect:

  • Arterial hypotensive: it can decrease between 10 and 20% the blood pressure both the systolic and the diastolic.
  • Cardiotonic: it improves the blood flow to the heart, decreases the oxygen consumption to the cardiac muscle, it is of help in the treatment of chest angina.
  • Hypocholesterolemic: due to the presence of low density lipoproteins (oleic acid) decreases the cholesterol concentration in more than 50% of the patients that use the fungus for more than four months. Clinic studies do not show significant decreases in the figures of triglycerides and glycaemia.
  • Anti-arteriosclerosis: it decreases the production of the atheromatous plaque that restricts blood flow by the narrowing of the arteries producing as a result the arteriosclerosis.


Adaptogenic effect:

  • It mitigates the exhaustion symptoms.
  • It decreases the stress and chronic fatigue.
  • It improves some symptoms of neuropsychiatric disorders such as: insomnia, anorexia nervosa and Alzheimer.
  • It normalizes the blood pressure (adaptogen). It is known that are the Tripeatenos found in the Reishi, the compounds that reduce high levels of blood pressure.


Purifying effect:

  • Purifying function of the blood and regulatory function on the immune system.
  • Normalises and balances the different functions of the organism without causing adverse effects (adaptogen).
  • Its main way of acting is in the blood, through it, cleans and eliminates the excess of impurities facilitating the proper funtioning of the circulatory system and favouring the immunologic answer.
  • Activates the self and original defences of the body.


Hepatoprotector effect:

  • It restores and normalises the functioning of the hepatic harmed cells (hepatic regenerator).
  • It decreases the inflammation of the liver, thanks to its regenerative action of the polysaccharides, improving the hepatitis.
  • It accelerates the decomposition of the alcohol.
  • It avoids oxidations produced by toxic substances.
  • It prevents from cirrhotic states.


Effect in Diabetes:


  • It acts in a similar way as insulin, inhibits the synthesis of glucose and facilitates its entry into the cells.
  • It decreases the glucose levels in blood.
  • It improves the symptoms of the diabetics.
  • It improves the auto-immune answer in case of the type 2 diabetes.
  • It prevents diabetes and avoids some of its complications.


Effect on prostate:


  • It has been shown according with the investigation made by Professor Fujita R. And his collaborators of the Faculty of Agriculture of the Kyushu University in Japan that the Reishi extracts produce an inhibitory activity of the 5-alpha-reductase so with its treatment inhibits the growth of the prostate induced by hormones significantly, thus concluding that Ganoderma Lucidum (Reishi) can be of help on the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.



In conclusion:


As you know Reishi is another compound of the Munactive-10.

As we have been considering some of these compounds and the great benefits that bring to our health, we hope that this article about Reishi confirms your trust in the great product that Munactive-10 is, at the same time that improves your health and that of those around you.














Publicado en 2016-11-18 Encyclopedia of Ingredients 1 14096

1 Comentario

  • Mª Dolors Cano Exposito

    Mª Dolors Cano Exposito 2016-11-23 Reply

    Gracias por la información.

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