Os recordamos que el día 19 de marzo es festivo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Recomendamos que hagáis previsión de vuestros pedidos puesto que ese día no se realizarán envíos. Gracias por vuestra comprensión.



The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties of the mangosteen make of it a valued weapon in fighting against chronic diseases. The investigation has shown the value of intaking it to combat the harm of free radicals that are produced at a cellular level, ageing and even of some degenerative diseases. The denominated xanthones (present in the mangosteen), are antioxidants that are considered more powerful than those found in traditional antioxidant sources as are vitamin C and vitamin E.

Scientifics have carried out numerous studies about mangosteen and it seems that has positive effects in cardiovascular diseases, including heart diseases, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and thrombosis. This is probably due to the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effect of the denominated xanthones that mangosteen has.

Benefits for the health of the Mangosteen

Nowadays, there are more and more studies that have proved the effects of the mangosteen in human health. In the experimental research, scientifics have shown that the extract of the mangosteen can have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antitumour properties.

Besides, the investigation suggests that the extract of the mangosteen can help to protect the brain against the toxic effects of the beta-amyloid (a substance that forms the brain plaques associated with the Alzheimer disease). There is also evidence that the application of the extract of the mangosteen on the skin can help to treat acne. However, it is important to point out that what happens in a test tube may not always happen in the human body, so it is important that the investigation runs its course regarding the study of this fruit, until now it seems to have many positive effects.

In a recent study published in the Journal of Medicinal Food in 2009, have proved the effects of the mangosteen, the investigators found that this fruit can help to stimulate the immunologic system. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19697997)

In this study took part 59 healthy adults, during 30 days, one group took placebo and other members took mangosteen with vitamins and essential minerals. At the end of the study, the members of the group that took mangosteen had experimented a significant increased improvement in the immune answer (in comparison with the members of the placebo group).

Anti-inflammatory properties of the mangosteen

Another study found that the intake of mangosteen juice twice a day, considerably reduces the inflammatory markers in the blood. At the same time, investigators also found that can inhibit inflammation and act as a painkiller.

It has been shown that some of the activities that xanthone has can inhibit the causes of inflammation and act as an analgesic and may inhibit the growth of different cancer cells, including leukaemia, liver, breast, colon, stomach and lung, therefore, mangosteen seems to have anti-tumour activity.

The investigation being carried out is working on mangosteen applications for asthma, diabetes and obesity, but more studies are needed to establish truthful conclusions in relation with these types of diseases.

Antioxidant properties of the mangosteen

Antioxidants combat free radicals that as it is known cause oxidative stress and damage at a cellular level. The antioxidant properties of the mangosteen have even been studied to find the thermodynamics with the purpose of evaluating its capacity to capture free radicals. It has been found just very few tropical plants that help to this function (between them is the mangosteen, the richest source in xanthones).

In conclusion

Mangosteen (garcinia mangostala L) is a tropical fruit that is known as the “fruit of the health”. It holds itself out as a fruit that brings great benefits to our organism, being able to provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties due to the functions that xanthone has in our organism.

In conclusion, the scientific evidence seems to support the beneficial effects that the mangosteen has in our health, but it is necessary that the investigation continues in order to offer a better empirical support about this tropical fruit original from Southeast Asia.

Source: mundoentrenamiento.com/mangostan-el-fruto-de-la-salud/


  1. Tang YP, Li PG, Kondo M, Ji HP, Kou Y, Ou B. (2009). Effect of a mangosteen dietary supplement on human immune function: a randomized, double-blid,placebo-controlled trial. J Med Food, 12 (4): 755-63.
  2. Jung, H. A.; Su, B. N.; Keller, W. J.; Mehta, R. G.; Kinghorn, A. D. (2006). Antioxidant xanthones from the pericarp of Garcinia mangostana (mangosteen). J. Agric. Food Chem. 54, 2077–2082.
  3. Chomnawang,M. T.; Surassmo, S.; Nukoolkarn, V. S.; Gritsanapan,W. (2007). Effect of Garcinia mangostana on inflammation caused by Propionibacterium acnes. Fitoterapia, 78, 401–408.
  4. Young-Won Chin, Kinghorn, A.D. (2011). Structural characterization, Biological effects, and synthetic studies on xanthones from mangosteen (garcinia mangostana), a Popular botanical dietary supplement. Mini Rev Org Chem, 5(4): 355-364.
  5. Martínez, A. Hernández-Marin E, Galano A. (2012). Xanthones as antioxidants: a theoretical study on the termodynamics and kinetics of the single electron transfer mechanism. Food Funct, 3(4): 442-50.
  6. Kosem N., Ichikawa, k., Ursumi, H., Moongkarndi, P. (2013). In vivo toxicity and antitumor activity of mangosteen extract. J Nat Med, 67(2): 255-63.

The great benefits of this fruit were not overlooked in Exialoe, which is why it is one of the main ingredients of Munactive-10 that, combined with others in its formulation, make this product a great help to fight many diseases.

Publicado en 2016-10-06 Encyclopedia of Ingredients 3 15176

3 Comentarios

  • Juan Antonio Sorroche Mañas

    Juan Antonio Sorroche Mañas 2017-01-25 Reply

    Estamos encantados de pertenecer a Exialoe, es cierto. Los productos siempre son más efectivos de lo que explicamos y con nuestros testimonios en alergias, depresión, herpes, mala circulación sanguínea, dolores en articulaciones, ansiedad y además cuando salió al mercado yo llevaba 18 años sin dormir y me reguló el sueño;¿quién se va a resistir a probarlo?
    Gracias a todo el equipo! Juntos crecemos. Feliz 20 aniversario!!
  • Juani Antequera Villafaina

    Juani Antequera Villafaina 2016-10-23 Reply

    Si Isabel, soy Juani A.V , distribuidora desde hace años, y éste producto es maravilloso. HAY VARIOS IMPRESCINDIBLES PARA NUESTRA SALUD.
    Cada vez que conoces más propiedades de los productos ó los pruebas estás más orgullosa de pertenecer a esta familia Exialoe. Un saludo
  • Isabel Quiñonero Gazquez

    Isabel Quiñonero Gazquez 2016-10-17 Reply

    Hola, soy Isabel Quiñonero, queria comentar sobre el munactive-10, me ha sido de mucha ayuda y también he tenido buenas experiencias en otras personas.

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