Os recordamos que el día 19 de marzo es festivo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Recomendamos que hagáis previsión de vuestros pedidos puesto que ese día no se realizarán envíos. Gracias por vuestra comprensión.

We want to highlight in this article some of the properties that have two plants very used in natural remedies against pain.
The properties of the Arnica oil are much highlighted as this plant favours and improves blood circulation, it helps to reduce inflammation and brings an analgesic effect, which allows us to use this product to treat different affections, to decrease inflammation, discomfort in blows, strains, muscle contractures, bumps and bruises.
It is a natural solution ideal to reduce muscle fever after training.
If you have received a strong hit and you worry that a bruise appears, arnica is ideal to avoid this to happen as it favours blood circulation.
The effect of the Devil´s claw is not only due to an isolated active ingredient but to the combination of the global action of them.
Its principal action is anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-rheumatic.
It is indicated for rheumatic, muscle and joint pains, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, fibromyalgia and traumatisms in general.
Devil´s claw is also used by sportsmen in cases of tendonitis and joint pains because of the effort.
Therefore, due to its properties, treatments with devil´s claw reduce joint inflammation and consequently the pain.
Due to its properties, the combination of these two plants in cases of pain in joints and muscles, produces an almost instant and lasting relieve. One of the star products in Exialoe is Gel Frío Relax (Pain Gel), it does not only include the formulation of these two great plants but also Menthol and Camphor.
When in contact with the skin produces a cold stimulation that helps to improve blood flow and circulation as blood vessels constrict followed by a warm feeling in the area by expanding them.
It also produces a cold feeling improving blood circulation.
Besides, it has ALOE VERA that due to the high concentration used in this formulation, exercises a remarkable and effective anti-inflammatory action, useful in the treatment of local traumatisms caused by hits, bruises, falls, etc.
If you want fast and lasting pain relieve the Exialoe Gel Frío Relax (Pain Gel) will be your big ally.
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3 Comentarios
Elizabeth Noemi Fuentes Otheguy 2016-11-24 Reply
Lo uso mucho es muy bueno para los doloresNoelia Lorenzo Piñeiro 2016-08-19 Reply
Sí, yo también, para el dolor de cervicales me ayuda un montón. Y cuando te das un golpe, aplícalo y al momento verás cómo te desinflama y además evita que salga moratón. Estupendo!Petri Acero Avis 2016-08-19 Reply
Doy fe de ello. Lo uso a diario. Es genialll...!!