Os recordamos que el día 19 de marzo es festivo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Recomendamos que hagáis previsión de vuestros pedidos puesto que ese día no se realizarán envíos. Gracias por vuestra comprensión.

Archivo de 2020

  • The importance of the Iron in our health

    The importance of the Iron in our health

    When there is lack of iron, a long list of disorders can be present such as tiredness without an apparent reason and anaemiaLeer Más

    2020-11-18 News 0 15038
  • How to attract clients: techniques that work (Part 3)

    How to attract clients: techniques that work (Part 3)

    SEO, for its acronym in English (Search Engine Optimization), is the practice that consists of combining techniques that improve your results in web search engines. Imagine that you sell office supplies, it would be great if your page appeared first if they type “buy office supplies” as a search criteria.Leer Más

    2020-10-20 Expand your business 0 4771
  • Tips for the care of your hands

    Tips for the care of your hands

    The hands are one of the areas of our body that we show most. Together with the face, hands are always at sight (unless we are covering them with gloves). However, not much attention is shown to them!Leer Más

    2020-09-17 News 0 12043
  • How to attract clients: techniques that work (Part 2)

    How to attract clients: techniques that work (Part 2)

    According to one statistic, buyers read three pieces of content for every one sent by a seller. The buyer is used to looking for content and receiving it. There is also a lot of content on the Internet and other media. Your job is to stand out above the rest and let customers come to you to offer them the information they are looking for.Leer Más

    2020-07-29 Expand your business 0 5777


    If you want to get rid of those two centimetres that so much annoy either in thighs or abdomen, together with a healthy and balanced diet and exercise you have the option of using a slimming cream.Leer Más

    2020-06-09 News 1 11983


    Performing regular and systematic physical activity has proved to be a very beneficial practice in the prevention, development and recovery of the health at the same time that helps with the personality, discipline and when making decisions in the daily life.Leer Más

    2020-05-21 News 0 12631
  • How to attract clients: techniques that work (Part 1)

    How to attract clients: techniques that work (Part 1)

    We present the first two techniques to attract customers to your Network Marketing business, they are cold calls and direct messages.Unsolicited calls to potential customers, or cold calls, used to be a favorite technique, but their popularity has waned. And it makes sense because making calls can be a tedious task and a waste of time if the recipients have never heard of us before or seem very interested, but...Leer Más

    2020-04-27 Expand your business 0 6359


    One of the main objectives of the legislation was to set something clear before the amalgam of the protections available (the called solar protection factor or SPF). The SPF is a scale that calculates the level of protection that a cream provides in comparison with the skin when exposed to the sun: for example, if it takes ten minutes for a person to burn his skin without cream, with a factor 15 protection lotion it will take two and a half hours before the skin starts to get red.Leer Más

    2020-04-15 News 3 26891
  • El Network Marketing

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