Os recordamos que el día 19 de marzo es festivo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Recomendamos que hagáis previsión de vuestros pedidos puesto que ese día no se realizarán envíos. Gracias por vuestra comprensión.
Featured Products
Encuestas de satisfacción
Book: Orientation guide of the Aloe Vera juice by Dr. Gampel (in Spanish)
4,00 €Orientation guide about the therapeutic of the (Barbadensis Miller) Aloe Vera juice and its applications. RRP: 4 €
Book: "Marketing Multinivel y Marketing directo"
5,50 €The essential handbook to enter the exciting Multilevel business.
Handcrafted Soap 90 g
6,00 €Due to its high content in Aloe Vera it is ideal for a deep cleaning of the pores (without being aggressive) providing hydration to the skin. At the same time that calms and repairs it.
Exialoe Mixing Cup
7,00 €The Exialoe mixing cup is designed to accompany you in your daily life, being easy to carry thanks to its steel handle. It has three compartments: one for shaking and preparing your shake, another for your supplements in the form of a vitamin container, and a third to carry your powdered shake and enjoy it freshly made. Additionally, it includes an...
Book: Autoiniciación al Marketing Directo de Red
8,10 €Incorporates the 100 DAY PLAN. This book is written in the same colloquial and personal style that made the first book so popular. It is a more comprehensive and detailed investigation into direct network marketing.
Salt Lamp (2 - 3 kg)
14,00 €Himalayan salt lamps create perfect and purified environments around you. They cleanse any room of electromagnetic pollution. RRP 14 €
Book: Let your food be your medicine
17,90 €The healing power of the intelligent feeding. This book collects some of the fundamental concepts of healthy techniques that sustain the nutritional biology and biochemistry, supporting in a scientific way the Hippocratic maxim “let your food be your medicine”.
Book: Eating does give you happiness (in Spanish)
17,90 €Diet and cellular nutrition to combat stress, depression and other disorders. Through these pages the reader will find out the mechanisms of the functioning of the brain and its direct connection with our dietary guidelines and how by introducing certain changes in our habits and by supplementing our diet with the adequate nutrients we can strengthen and...
Book: Anti-aging with Orthomolecular Nutrition (in Spanish)
21,60 €Out of stockThe authentic anti-aging therapy. This work presents different arguments in favour of the anti-aging techniques and it highlights the importance of living in a healthy way (control the biochemistry, eating healthy and with dietary supplements, doing physical exercise, looking after the emotional balance) to try to get better quality of life.
Book: Las nueve leyes (Roberto Pérez)
34,00 €HOW TO PROSPECT AND MASSIVELY DUPLICATE. A "Plan A" for Your Financial Freedom, because "Plan B" SUCKS. This book is not just a book. It is a Complete System on "How to Create MASSIVE Duplication" explained Step by Step.
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Improve your mental health: the influence of habits
Do you feel stressed, lack energy, or lack motivation? Discover how simple habits like sleeping, eating healthy, and...Read More
El Poder de las Vitaminas del Grupo B
Tus labios hablan por ti: ¿están recibiendo el cuidado que merecen?
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