Os recordamos que el día 19 de marzo es festivo en la Comunidad Valenciana. Recomendamos que hagáis previsión de vuestros pedidos puesto que ese día no se realizarán envíos. Gracias por vuestra comprensión.



The fascinating history of royal jelly dates back to ancient times, from ancient Egypt to Aristotle's Greece. Over the centuries, the substance has been used both as a nutritional supplement and as a medicinal remedy. Its benefits are diverse, ranging from boosting the immune system to alleviating premenstrual symptoms and mitigating the side effects of chemotherapy. In this article, we will explore in detail what royal jelly is, its components, how it works, and the health benefits it can bring.

What is royal jelly?

Royal jelly is a milky substance secreted by honeybees and offered to their developing brood. It is an essential food that points the way to maturity and royalty of a larva. The collection of royal jelly is carried out in specific hives of honeybees reared by beekeepers.

The ancient Greeks were the first to describe royal jelly as part of the nectar of the gods, and Aristotle thought it was important enough to establish it as the daily breakfast for his students. Royal jelly was also traditionally used in other cultures, believed to be one of Cleopatra's beauty secrets, food for pharaohs and a key to longevity and medicine for ancient dynasties.

Today, royal jelly remains a valuable product in the beauty and diet industry in many countries.

Components of Royal Jelly

Royal jelly is a complex substance composed of:

  • Water (60%-70%)
  • Sugars (7.5%-23%)
  • Lipids (3%-8%)
  • Proteins (9%-18%)
  • Low levels of vitamins, salts, and minerals
  • Hormones

A prominent active component is "royalisin", a fatty acid with remarkable antibacterial properties. There are also "jelleins", peptides with antibacterial properties. In total, royal jelly contains 185 biologically active ingredients, including hormones such as testosterone and oestradiol, as well as flavonoids, antioxidants that offer potential health benefits.

How Royal Jelly works

Royal jelly, despite its chemical diversity, offers several health benefits:

  • It fights microbes and reduces inflammation, mainly through "realinein" (10H2DA).
  • It fights bacteria through "gelatins".
  • Increases antioxidant defence thanks to flavonoids.

Royal Jelly vs. Honey

Honey and royal jelly are both products of honeybees and have some similar health effects. The flavonoids in both royal jelly and honey have antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing benefits.

Honey, however, has a much higher sugar content than royal jelly. It also contains a variety of organic acids and other antioxidants not found in royal jelly. However, the most studied compounds in royal jelly are not found in honey and may have a much broader scope of action.

Health Benefits of Royal Jelly

Royal jelly offers a number of proven and promising health benefits, including:

  1. Diabetes: Traditionally used for its similarity to insulin, royal jelly may help control blood glucose and weight in people with diabetes.
  2. Reproductive Health: Royal jelly has been shown to increase testosterone levels, improve blood sugar levels and relieve premenstrual symptoms.
  3. Blood Cholesterol: Royal jelly supplements may improve lipid profile, reducing total and LDL cholesterol, while increasing HDL cholesterol and triglycerides.
  4. Mental Health: Royal jelly improves memory, learning and brain function.
  5. Chemotherapy patients may develop painful sores and ulcers in the mouth (called oral mucositis) as a side effect of cancer treatment and reduced immune response. In a study of 103 cancer patients, royal jelly supplements (1 g per day) improved mouth sores and shortened healing time.
  6. Anaemia: Royal jelly increases red blood cells and reduces anaemia.
  7. Wound Healing: Aids skin repair and protects against damage.
  8. Allergy Reduction and Immune Balance: May balance the immune system, helping with food allergies.
  9. Boosting Immunity and Fighting Infections: Possesses effective antimicrobial properties.
  10. Skin and Hair Health: Contributes to healthy hair growth and skin quality.
  11. Longevity: In bees, royal jelly determines the life span of a larva, changing it from a short life as a worker to a long life as a queen.
  12. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks its own tissues, especially the lining of the joints. In a cell study, royal jelly's realisin reduced inflammation and damage in unhealthy rheumatoid joint tissue.
  13. Liver protection: Counteracts liver damage and improves blood health.

In short, royal jelly is a treasure of nature that offers a wide range of health benefits. From its historical use in ancient times to its modern application as a supplement and medicinal remedy, this substance continues to amaze the scientific community with its properties and potential. Consult your doctor before incorporating it into your diet to ensure it is suitable for your individual needs.

So that you can experience its benefits, at Exialoe we have a variety of products in different categories that include this great ingredient so you can take advantage of it in the ways you like best.

  • Nutrition

    Royal Jelly + Aloe + vitamins:: Exialoe Royal Jelly is a food supplement in sticks that combines freeze-dried royal jelly, aloe vera and fructose. Fructose is a natural sugar that adds flavour.

    Aloe juice + Royal Jelly and vitamins:: This is a liquid food supplement with sweetener, based on natural cold-stabilised aloe juice, with Royal Jelly, honey and vitamins A, D and E.

    Inmuno Aloe-5:: A natural aloe vera product with echinacea, propolis, royal jelly and vitamin C.

  • Cosmetics

    Facial cream:: It is ideal for all types of people and ages, even for sensitive skin. Enriched with royal jelly, aloe vera, jojoba oil, vitamin E, wheat germ oil and sunflower seed oil.

    Contouring gel:: a refreshing formula with royal jelly, eyebright, soya protein, coenzyme Q10 and 40% aloe vera barbadensis.

Posted on 29/09/2023 Home, Encyclopédie des Ingrédients 0 6736

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